Boston Bead Co. (a great escape)



I went into Boston yesterday with my husband and my two girls, we decided to go to the Harvard Museum of Natural History again. It’s a really neat place, if you haven’t been there yet you should check it out. There are rare gems in the museum, glass flowers (absolutely beautiful), fossils, life size animals and  whale skeletons hanging from the ceiling (scary amazing), going through the whole museum you could take about 2-4 hours.  

Well after walking through and exploring we left and walked through Harvard Yard we saw some amazing buildings, the architect was just beautiful. There was even a small ice skating pond set up in the yard, my girls enjoyed watch the students spins around. We even saw a tiny ToTo dog walking along with his master on a leash with a stick larger than life in his mouth, but he owned it. Ha! There was also an interesting food truck, they were selling just crepes, I’ve never actually had one before but my husband has and he loves them. Someday I’ll try one, maybe. 

Well, we eventually made our way to the Boston Bead Co., my favorite place. I love perusing through the shop and looking into the little compartments of beads to see what’s in there. Little surprises await me. As you can see in the picture I found some great beads. I had a budget though, sadly, or I would have purchased more. ( a lot more) WHEE!!!  The last time I went they had a stash I ‘lost beads’ behind the desk and I got some great deals and made some great earrings and necklaces from them, unfortunately, no such luck this time. Sad day for me. But there was a Starbucks next door so a medium hot coffee with toffee nut syrup nonfat milk and 1 sugar made it a little better, a iced nonfat caramel macchiatto with an extra shot and extra caramel would have been better but that costs a lot more and i spent a lot of my budget on beads–happily, so hot coffee it was. 

We lived in Brighton when my 11 year old was born and we really miss the lifestyle of the city. I love the cobblestone sidewalks, the old churches, the beautiful architecture, great availability to shopping centers and diverse stores/food, schools, libraries, I could go on and on; there’s just so much available and many ways to get to where you need to go, hence, no need for a car and there’s more to offer for kids more diversity in the city. But, alas, it’s too expensive, but then again Massachusetts is expensive itself.  So, I’ll stick to living where I am and visiting Boston when we can. 

Do you have a favorite bead shop? 

I did have a local favorite bead shop, it was in Plymouth, MA, it was called “Not Simply Beads” but due to the lovely economy it ended up closing. I was quite saddened, first because it was a small business and she was having to lose her business, second because my favorite local shop was closing, now where would I go for amazing beads.

I rarely shop online, if I do, I will buy on Etsy or a nice ‘mom and pop’ shop called “” they sell lucite flowers. 

Let me know where you go.




I love going to Barnes and Noble and grabbing a handful of magazines off the rack from the crafting section, I order a coffee and sit down with my hubby and start perusing through each one for my next project. 

Do you have a favorite crafting magazine? I have too many to choose from…but these are a few.



“Where Women Create”  (this is a new favorite)




“Bead and Button”

“Art Jewelry”


“Step by Step Wire Jewelry”




I have learned new techniques and I’ve been inspired simply from looking through a magazine. 

Another lesson learned is how to put colors together and when not to be afraid to put certain colors together, to be bold on occasion. Take a risk once in a while, have some fun. 


Cobalt and Tangerine = I would have never done such a thing or Pink and Orange, but it works, sometimes. 





These are NOT pieces I made just unique one that I found on the internet that I really liked. I love creating and being unique it’s my favorite thing to do. Some day I am going to do what I always say I’m going to do and that is to create drawings of what’s in my pretty little head. Ha! If I ever have time, between my kids and cleaning the house and doing dishes and laundry and helping with 6th grade homework (which is a whole other story, by the way were you aware MCAS begin in MARCH!), taking care of my wonderful husband and last but not least–getting my Etsy orders made and ready to ship out.  So in the midst of all of my TO-DO’s where can I create, how can I create? I do kind of wish I had one of those amazing color tablets that allows you to create your ideas and save them as you draw, no crayons colored pencils or markers needed to hoard or hide away for safe keeping. And it would help me draw out the shapes I wanted/needed. As though I had a jewelry designer right in front of me. (keep dreaming sister)

If you have ideas please share because I am sure there are other women out there thinking the same thing as me. 

Seriously, send me your ideas. 

Recycling Jewelry



I created this piece from two necklaces that I got from a local thrift store. I went in and asked if they had any broken jewelry and sure enough they did, I paid $10 for a fairly decent sized bag of jewelry that would have otherwise been thrown out. The beads are made from polymer clay.





My creative juices started flowing, and so I got out my supplies, I had gone to Kohl’s recently and purchased several necklaces and bracelets that were reduced. I paid about $40, saving $121…WOW!! (really alot more, because the beads would have cost twice as much at the craft store or online) I quite like this necklace. So, there’s an idea for you, go to the store after a big holiday and purchase the reduced items. 







This beautiful necklace is one of my favorites. It’s for sale at my Etsy shop, it’s called “Corallium & Pearls”, here’s the link  This was made from beads taken from a bucket of vintage beads, necklaces, and other assorted jewelry items. The coral beads were on a faded string falling apart so I made a necklace and bracelet from the lot of them. Then in this lot of vintage assortment were some faux pearls and vintage gold beads, just lovely, I knew instantly that these would pair well with the coral beads. So the three became one. What a match, just lovely.





Recycled Starbucks Giftcard Earrings…Simple, yet fun! Grande Iced NonFat Caramel Macchiato with an Extra Shot!




These were a custom order for someone in California, they made the order on my Etsy shop. They sent me their choice of Starbucks cards (one Target card). This was a fun order and challenging. 13 pairs in total. 





Dunkin Donuts Recycled Giftcards..How do you take your coffee?








Starbucks Recycled Gift Card Earrings ‘Spring Line’..Who Cares What The Groundhog Said!!!